
Showing posts from September, 2019

Ending It Seemed Like The Only Way To Make The Pain Stop

Photo taken by yours truly @Nusa Penida, Indonesia - September 2019 It's hard to watch someone suffer. Period. It's also really hard to see someone struggle with something when you think you have an idea of what the answer is So many of us want to offer things that we know will help the people we love and care for. We want to save them from their pain. We want to save them from the suffering. Sometimes, we just want to give answers to help them cut to the chase. But that's not how it works. People have to claim their own work. They have to claim their healing. They have to earn their transformation so that they can trust it. If you do the way for them, they won't be able to trust it. The only way for it to be fully trusted is when it's integrated by the person themselves.  This month will be the 9-month since my suicide attempt. I'd love to tell you that a hospital stay, some medications, and a few therapy sessions silenced the voice, but that woul...

You Are Exactly Where Allah Wants You To Be At This Very Moment

Photo taken by yours truly @Nusa Penida, Bali, Indonesia - September 2019 Allah swt has a thousand ways to turn our situation around that we've never even thought of. Just because we don't see a way  doesn't mean He  doesn't  have a way Allah swt is closer to us than we are to ourselves. If He chooses something for us, there is certainly nothing that would be better than His choice. He knows what we need before we realise it on our own. It's difficult to accept. It's difficult to comprehend; but He doesn't ask that of us. We simple told to trust Him. To accept the Qadr of Allah doesn't mean it won't hurt. It will. Your heart will ache, your eyes will get filled with tears and in your head, nothing will make sense. But that is when you have to remind yourself that this is what Allah has willed and His choice for you are always better than your wishes. With that hurt in your heart, mess in your head and tears in your ey...